Mavis Beacon App / Blog / The Best Tips for New Mavis Beacon Users

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The Best Tips for New Mavis Beacon Users

The Best Tips for New Mavis Beacon Users

This article provides tips for getting the most out of Mavis Beacon, an app designed to help users improve their touch typing skills. Mavis Beacon is a great way to learn how to type faster, and with these tips you'll be able to get the best experience possible. Here are some of the best ways to maximize your Mavis Beacon experience:

  1. Start with the basics. Before you jump into more advanced features, it's important to get a strong foundation in typing fundamentals. Take the time to go through each lesson and practice typing words and sentences until you feel comfortable enough with the basics.
  2. Set goals. Having specific goals will help you stay motivated and on track with your learning journey. You could set a goal of increasing your typing speed by 10 words per minute or mastering a certain number of lessons per week. Setting realistic goals will help keep you focused on improving your skills.
  3. Take advantage of customization options. The Mavis Beacon app allows users to customize their learning experience by setting difficulty levels, turning on audio feedback, and changing themes or backgrounds that make practicing more enjoyable.
  4. Utilize the games feature. The app includes fun games that allow users to practice their skills while having fun at the same time! Playing these games can be a great way to break up longer practice sessions and keep you engaged in learning how to type faster and more accurately.
  5. Use both hands for ultimate speed gains. When typing, try using both hands as much as possible for maximum speed gains – it takes some getting used to, but it's worth it for those who want faster results!
  6. Monitor progress regularly and adjust accordingly. Tracking progress is important so that users can measure how far they've come and how far they have left until they reach their desired typing speed levels . Regularly monitoring progress allows users adjust their strategies in order to optimize their learning outcomes.
07 Mar 2023